
Opening Up Galatians is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this commentary, author David Campbell identifies the key themes of the book of Galatians. He offers solid exposition and application, making this a useful aid for pastors and teachers, as well as those seeking to understand Galatians and how to incorporate its message to daily life. Written in an encouraging and accessible style, this volume provides necessary questions on themes of false...

Testament food laws, and Old Testament holy days. Paul is emphatic that it is not by submitting to such laws that the blessing of justification becomes ours. Works of law, however, go way beyond the three named specifics. They cover all that God has ever laid down as law for mankind. They embrace all that is distinctively Mosaic; they embrace, too, those timeless and universal laws that are binding on us simply as human beings. This is particularly clear in Romans 1–3. It is not by obedience to any
Pages 43–44